Jacob Weppelmann, born ca. 1632.
In 1652, he lived in Wigbold Ölde on the Geiststraße. -
When, in 1636, Alheid had died, Stephan Schulte Weppel remarried Elske
Wormsberg. As far as can be determined, they had the following children:
1.) Catharina, born ca.1637. She became the heiress.
2.) Bernard, born ca. 1638. He married Elisabeth Schweppenstadt on
Apr. 29, 1668 in Oelde; 3.) Wilhelm, born ca.1640. He was married
to Anna Catharina Struicks, born Oct. 4, 1657, in Oelde ca.1684. They had
two children: a) Herrmann, born ca.1679. He was married to
Margaretha Schenking ca. 1704. According to the List of Citizens
(1726) they lived in Wigbold Ölde. They had the following children:
aa) Agnes, born May 9, 1705; bb) Casparus Laurentius, born Aug. 20, 1706.
He was married in Oelde on Jun. 14, 1732 to Elisabeth Hanheger; cc) Maria
Ida, born Apr. 14, 1714. She was married in Oelde on Nov. 11, 1752 to Joan
Hermann Kahmann; dd) Brigitta, born Aug. 13, 1718; ee) Otto, born… ff)
Anna Elisabeth, born on Jan.28, 1725;
b.) Catharina Elisabeth, born Jun. 11, 1686.
- Wilhelm Weppelmann was Mayor of Wigbolds Ölde in 1684 and 1685.
Steffen Schulte tor Weppel is mentioned in two documents in the City
Archive of Oelde: on Mar. 18, 1636 as „Steffen Schulte tor Weppel„ and
on Oct. 3, 1641 as „Steffen Schulte Weppelmann„.
Schulte Weppel in Oelde
In the Record of Documents of the Parish of Oelde, the honorable Steffen
Schulte Weppelmann of the Bauerschaft Ahmenhorst in the parish of Oelde
appeared before Pastor Johannes Böddeker on April 22, 1654, and „bekandte
freywilliglich für sich und seine haußfrau, wie daß er
zu Abfindung und gebüerlicher Außsteuerungh seines vom dasigen
Weppelmanns Erbe bortigen Stiefsohnes Jorgen zur Weppel, jetzo in Grönings
kampff, genandt, die „Dwerhegge„, wohnhafftig, sich für diesen wegen
seines kindtlichen antheils verglichen, und über daß, waß
er Jürgen bereitz empfangen, alnoch redlicher schuldt schüldig
verpleibe ahn gelde die summa von 36 rthlr. und ein pferdt neben einem
Kostrindt uff Ostern deß jahres 1657; daß pferdt aber uff Michaelis
deß jahres 1658 und dan die vorbemelte 36 rthlr. in dreien nacheinander
folgenden jahren Michaelis 1659, 1660, 1661 je 18 rthlr. verrichten und
heraußgeben...„ (A schedule of payments from the estate inherited
by his stepson Jorgen)
The "Meiersche" Elske ter Weppel, nee Wormsberg, died on Jul 13, 1656.
Her husband, Stephan Schulte ter Weppel died shortly after that, on Oct.
24, 1656. )
In the same year Catharina Weppel inherited the farm together with
her husband Roloff, who then calls himself Schulte Weppel. *1
At this point I would like to break off the further history of the Schulte-Weppel
or Weppelmann Farm. Subsequently there have been a few instances when a
married man adopted the name Schulte Weppel. For the last time *2
when Anton Brameier in a deed dd. Mar. 28, 1904 transferred the Schulzenhof
Weppel (in Ahmenhorst Nr.27) with debits and credits to his nephew Gerhard
Ostarp, heir as per legal agreement dd. Mar. 24, 1904. -- Gerhard Ostarp
was married on May 24, 1905 to Anna Lepper, born Jul. 30, 1876 in Ostenfelde.
There are 4 children from this marriage, namely
1.) Anton, born Apr. 30, 1906; 2.) Maria Theresia, born May 22, 1907;
3.) Christina Gertrudis, born Feb. 10, 1909; 4.) Anna Johanna, born May
22, 1910. She was married in Oelde on Feb.12, 1936 to Heinrich Spliethoff
from Lette.
Anton, was born Apr. 30, 1906, and died on Aug. 30, 1980. He
was married on Sep. 8, 1954 to Josefine Averbeck, born in Ostenfelde on
Jul.17, 1926. They had a son Antonius born Nov. 14, 1956 *2
Antonius adopted the name "Schulze Weppel" a few years ago.
Various Weppelmann´s from Oelde (Siblings and cousins) owned several
farms in the area of Oelde. Jois Theodor Weppelmann, for example,
was married to Anne Maria Groene in Erwitte ca. 1720. On Apr. 27,
1743, a daughter Maria Weppelmann was born, and on Nov. 16, 1744 another
daughter, Theodora Francisca Weppelmann was born.
Theodor Joseph Weppelmann was born on Sep. 15, 1860, in Altenberge.
His parents were Johann Theodor Bartholomaes Weppelmann and Catharina Averbeck.
Later offspring sold the farm and moved to Münster, where they
owned property and a coal-business around 1920. In 1945, after the war,
one descendant, Albert Weppelmann, emigrated with his family to Cuba and
later to Chile. Today, a Gonzalo Weppelmann and a Rodriguez Weppelman live
there. From this line descended Herbert Weppelmann, who was born
in Chile but now resides in Gutach bei Freiburg.