Documents since A.D. 1260
Lord Bishop of Münster.
This is the subject of the following documents: Ownership was eventually
transferred from the Freckenhorst Monastery
Monastery Freckenhorst from 8. centuries old.
The Golden Book (Codex Aureus)
The National Museum of Westphalia keeps this precious book from the abbey of Freckenhorst.
The vellum paper writing stems from the 11th century.
The book contains writings and images taken from the gospel, legal and economic matters of the monastery as well as a list of al the farms belonging to the monastery.
In the book we found our name " Wepele - Oelde 12 Din.
So we have a proof, that our farm already since then century.
Freckenhorst is situated between Muenster and Oelde in Westfalia.
From the book: Kirche und Stift Freckenhorst, Eigenverlag
Photo: Westfälisches Landesmuseum Münster
1260: Heinrich to the von Weppel
sells the leasehold as well his „Drostenamt", granted to him by the Freckenhorst
Monastery to the Marienfeld Monastery. They compensate Freckenhorst
with other properties:
„Ego Heilewigis abbatissa de Vrekenhurst..., quod Heinricus dictus
de Wepele, assumpto fratre suo domino Rodolfo de Blasnen necnon
et uxore sue Mechthilde, consentiente etiam Bertrammo de Wepele
et ceteris coheredibus suis, accessit ad nos resignans nobis jus feodale
curtis in Wepele, quam de manu nostra tenuerat ...„ -
1268: Bishop Gerhard von Münster
transfers the property bought by Conrad von Mecheln to the Marienfeld Monastery:
„Gerhardus Dei gratia Monasteriensis episcopus ... notum fecimus, quod
Conradus miles dictus Mechlen ... quondam mansum in Wepele nobis absolute
et libere contulit ... Nos autem ... predictum mansum contulismus monasterio
campi sancte Marie...„ -
15.08.1269: An exchange of
properties between Earl Engelbert von der Mark and the Marienfeld Monastery:
„Nos Engelbertis comes de Marchia notum facimus, quod cum venerabili domino
abbate de campo sancte Marie et ecclesia sua talem decimus commutationem
bonorum, dantes eis pratum nostrum Wepele ...„ -
24. 03. 1307: Pelegrinus,
Provost of Clarholz, witnesses that the Squire Rudolphus, Son of the Knight
Henricus de Horst, has renounced his claim to the Hof Wepele in favor of
the Marienfeld Monastery.
The Schultenhof ter Weppel transferred herewith to the Marienfeld Monastery.
According to the 1456 taxation lists of the monastery, the Hof Wepele was
required to tithe the Marienfeld Monastery, and, together with other Marienfelder
farms in the parish of Oelde, part of these duties were fullfilled by providing
haulage to the Meierhof Gröning. In the „Verzeichnis der dem Kloster
Marienfeld eigenbehörigen Höfe, Kotten und Leute„ (an index of
property held by the monastery and of their tenants), dating from the end
of the 15th century, a „sculte tor Weppel„ is mentioned. – According to
the „Generalregister vom Jahre 1634„, Villicus Weppelmann owed 6 florins
(i.e. Goldguilders) in taxes. Schulze zu Weppel or Weppelmann is entered
into the „Allgemeines Verzeichnis der Güter und Einkünfte„ dating
from 1820.
Menso Schulte ter Weppel is the first person we can name, because he
appears in a document written on pigskin dated.Sep.
13, 1546 in the parish archive. It relates to a settlement between
Johan Torck, Priest in Oelde and the „Kerkraiden„ (Church Council) of the
Church in Ollede about the entitlements of „groten Bennynckloe„ (a farm).
„Menso Schulte ter Weppel.„ is mentioned there as a member of the Kerkraid
in Ollede.
The farm is listed in the 1585
Register of Revenues of the Parish of Oelde as one of the „Sadelhöfe„
that had to give the priest a yearly Epiphany gift of „ein paar onstraffbarliche
hanen und 1 münsterischen Schilling„ (two roosters and one Münster
In the Archives of the Marienfeld Monastery in the State Archive in
Münster, there are a large number of references to this farm.
The probate of Schulten Jürgen zur Weppel by his widow Alheid, dated
June 22, 1623, lists „a black shirt with brooch, an old felt shirt, four
shirts and several collars besides his daily wear. Livestock consisted
of 9 horses, 1 foal, 8 milchcows, 3 heifers and 14 pigs". – The estate
was assessed at 17 Reichsthaler.