News from the family research:
New book 2012: "900 years history of family Weppel-man(n)"
Based on farms, people and documents the story of the family is told. Beginning with the meaning of the name, first registrations and documents in the 11th
century until a register of all people in the family tree on 588 pages and 4500 names and dates. The historical part and the documents are translated into English. The name register is in German only. Price: 29.50 Euro + postage
Please order here:Send mail to
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The certificate: AD 1265
Heinrich und Bertram Wepele's brother - Rudolf von Blasnen - was named as witness in the document.)
Description : Graf Otto von Ravensberg attests that Arnold Grip sold 2 houses to the abbey Marienfeld. Witnesses: Johann Kersebroke,
Dapifer, Rudolf von Blasnen, Heinrich von Aspelecampe, Regenbod Top, knight, Hermann von Widenbruge, Bruder Arnold, Heinrich Budel,
Winand Wef, Heinrich Duvelescob; Levold Dives, Heinrich von Spechteshart, Justacius von Ubbedessen, Hermann von Bilevelde. Bestellsignatur :
Kloster Marienfeld - Urkunden, Nr. 158
The certificate: AD 1265
The same gives Prior Johann and the abbey Marienfeld the house to Ahmenhorst (Ahmenhorst bei Oelde), bought by Arnold Grip Witnesses:
Johann Kersebroke, dapifer, Rudolf von Blasnen, Heinrich von Aspelecampe, Regenbod Top, Ritter, Hermann von Widenbruge, Bruder Arnold's,
Heinrich Budel, Winand Wef; Levold Dives, Heinrich von Spechteshart. Bestellsignatur : Kloster Marienfeld von - Urkunden, Nr. 159
The certificate: AD 1665 :
Approbation of Johann zur Weppel(mann) to be reeve of the house Ghost (after dismissal of Heinrich Höveler)
(Original and copie) Bestellsignatur : Studienfonds Münster, Haus Geist, Oelde - Akten, Nr. 8009
Weppelmann Chapel in Ottmarsbocholt
The municipality Senden has officially declared the "Weppelmann Chapel" to be a historical monument. A dedicated plaque at the chapel illustrates
its history

Weppelmann Chapel
The current chapel was built between 1785 and 1786 as a station for the feats of Corpus Christi and replaced and older,
wooden chapel that had been standing there before. The land on which the chapel is built used to be part of the "Davert" (common land).
When the "Davert" was distributed in 1841, the land was given to family Weppelmann. In 1977 the chapel was renovated in a neighbourhood
campaign together with the Marksman confraternity of St. John,
in which the copper roof was dried and renewed.
News from the Dutch Weppelmans
Mr. Dick van Manen from Veenendaal is currently writing a booklet where amongst other things he also talks about
the origins of the Weppelman family in the Netherlands. His grandmother Johanna was a Weppelman from Veenendaal.
The origin of the Weppelmans in Veenendaal began with Jacob Weppelmann in 1624. He came from Oelde in Westfalia, where the mother farm of all Weppelmanns is.
The certificate:
The first "Weppelman" were Jacob Weppelman and his brother Cornelius from Oelde, Westfalia. They came to Veenendaal in 1624.
This is confirmed in a certificate that Mr. Dick von Manen from Veenendaal holds: It mentions a legal dispute between Jacob Weppelman
who still lives in Oelde, Muenster and his brother Corn(elius), who has already been living in Veenendaal for quite some time.
The dispute concerns some cotton blankets which were delivered by Jacob and who claims not to have received payment for them from his brother. the defendant pleded guilty and it was announced that he had to pay the bill within 14 days.
Veenendaal, 10. October 1624
Should you have any questions regarding the “ Dutch Weppelman“ please contact me
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News regarding the Weppelman(n)s from the episcopal archive in Münster
Priests in the diocese of Müntser had been:
– Bernhard Weppelman(n), born 1640, ordained 1667 in Münster.
– Caspar Weppelman(n), born 1648 in Oelde, ordained 22.03.1670 in Münster, Vicar in Lippborg, priest in Dollberg between 1696 – 1719. Died 13.01.1719.
– Theodor Weppelman(n), born 1630 in Oelde, ordained 1659 in Münster, Vicar in Friesothye, then priest in Haselünne.
Hence we sofar know about eight priests, one monk of the orden of the benedictines, “Sister Anna Weppelman(n)“, prioress of the augustine abbey Maria Rosa in Ahlen between 1671 – 1682, four further nuns, and one friar from the family Weppelmann who worked for the church.
The Church of Ascheberg (building
the tower in 1472)
On the tuesday before Whitsun in 1472 a contract was made with " Master
Lampert & his son " for him to build the churchtower in Ascheberg.
This contract shows the amount of his wage and board as well as who in
Ascheberg was paying for the construction.
Named witnesses for the contract are the following persons:
Baltasar von Büren (Davensberg), Dietrich von Ascheberg (zu Biing),
Henrich von der Leite, Johann von Lünen, Schuobell und der Schulte
von Steenst, Schulte Hobbelink und der Osterbuer Johann Freisfeldt und
der Dorfbauer Bernd Weppelmann und Johann Lensmann, der Westerbuer Bernd
Schomaker und Bernd Ellertmann.
Record from 1472, Ascheberg.
We find Bernd (Bernard) Weppelmann mentioned for a second time in an
offical document (the first time in court in Ascheberg 1475) and herewith
hold another historic reference that farmer Weppelmann contributed actively
to the building of the churchtower to Ascheberg.
New information on the name
"Weppel" -" Weppelman"
I wrote to H. Prof. Jost Gippert of University of Frankfurt:
"Thank you
very much for your speedy assistance. Now I have a problem;
on my genealogy homepage
Weppelman(n) - under the button "Der Name" I have
literally from the
German Name Encyclopedia of Hans Bahlow the entry Weppel/Muenster,
Wepel =
> sump. It means "in the proximity of a moorland/sump"
where a farmer lived,
whose yard name was "the Wepel". It designates a place
- an environment in
nature. H. Prof. Jost Gippert's answer suggests
another meaning. Or can
the two meanings be reconciled? The answer from by H.
Professor Jost Gippert: "No, the two interpretationscannot be related.
I should like to only point out to you that in the name encyclopedia by
Bahlow a meaning of"sump" is used to excess, which is cause for some critical
concern. The
interpretation as "war man" from the origin of German
Names by Adolf Brook, which is considered the authoritative
work, is in
stark contrast to the meaning "sump".
With best greetings,
Prof.Dr . Jost Gippert Comparative linguistics
| tel. +49 69 798 25054
University of Frankfurt | (sekr.) +49 69 798 2
Friedrich Weppelmann of Caub/Rhine
has been discovered. in Australia .
Friedrich was born 1819 in Caub / Rhine. Together with
his brother Christian Weppelmann he was sailing by the ship „ America"
from Liverpool at 15. January 1855 to Tasmania. They arrived
on 23 July 1855 in Hobart/Tasmania. 16 children and three adults died on
the difficult passage. Farm worker Friedrich died 26. September 1882 in
George Bay / Tasmanien.
Weppelmann'n concert hall in Münster.
In the palace garden of Münster, which established, became Zidadelle
from Bernhard von Galen 1661 in the 1800 century an economy created, which
particularly enjoyed of all officials and officers of large popularity.
On the "Luetkenbeck" and on the island the popular concerts took place.
One called this Musikpavillion "Weppelmann's concert hall." Details
are at present still investigated. .
A further minister Caparus Weppelmann
in Dollberg/Beckum found:
The bells - history of the municipality of the municipality moved
The bells as mirrors of history - in DOL mountain is that anyhow
like that. Because the history of the different bells in the tower of the
church show also the moved history of the country, thus the village.
In the tower of the old church 19 hung since start. Century three
bells. These bells were taken over after establishment of the new church.
The three bells had latin inscriptions, whose translation reads
as follows:
Saint is. Lambertus, is the patron of this church, Casparus Weppelmann
is a minister , Engelbert Thomas and Heinrich judge is the Provisoren,
William chair is the caster. Poured in the year 1695.
Gift giver: The high-venerable and high-noble Mr. Alexander Johann
Hermann of Ketteler, rehearses the church in Cappenberg - Friedrich Christian
von Plettenberg ex leaning living, bishop and prince of cathedral - the
high-venerable and high-noble Mr. Bernhard Engelbert Christian von Beverfoerde,
Domkapitular of the cathedrals cathedrals and Paderborn and gentleman in
upper and Niederwerries.
This Casparus Weppelmann. I could not arrange ca.1650 so far yet.
Thus would be - so far us well-known, this third kath. Minister in our
New documents of the ship papers
from Hamburg:
the following persons emigrated
to South Africa:
1) Weppelmann Franz - occupation: Agricultur worker 30. Years, from
Gelsenkirchen, with his Mrs. Elise, 27. Years and the children Philipp
(3rd years) and Marie (1.Jahr) on 31 March 1878 with the ship " dad " to
South Africa / Natal.
The descendants live today in East London/South Africa.
2) Weppelmann, Bernhard - occupation: Agricultural worker, 28 years
from Nordkirchen, with his Mrs. Anna, 26. Years, and Anna 2. Years after
Pretoria / cape city. There also the descendants live.
3) Anna Weppelmann (32) married Melchior Sievert (Siefert) occupation:
Farmer (47 years) from gel churches. Also they moved with the children
Anna (12 years) and Johann (2 years).
Family Bernhard Weppelmann and Familie Melchior Sievert emigrated
at the Ãpril 1883 with the ship " Durban " from Hamburg to South
4) Sister Tertulla (Elizabeth Weppelmann by the medal to 15.12.1890
with the ship to Natal / South Africa in the there monastery as Mistress
of Novices one transmitted.
These four Weppelmann were all brothers and sisters and parents
were Joan Henrich Weppelmann and Anna Kersting. His first wife from Joan
Henrich Weppelmann was Anna Bandermann sive Haverkamp.
Our ancestors were Knights.
Letter dd. April 24, 2001, Warendorf District
It appears that Heinrich von Wepele, his brother Rudolf von
Blasnien and Bertram von Wepele, mentioned in a document dating from
1260*, belonged to a lineage of Ministerials (they owed allegiance to a
Noble, somewhat similar to a British Lord, and were often the local authority).
The Oberhof Wepele / Ölde was therefore connected to a Manor.
The witnesses mentioned after the Canons in the document of 1260,
appear to be knights or knaves. Many of the principal farms in the Bishopric
of Münster, but also those in other regions were connected to the
Manors of the gentry. The knights often fulfilled the position
of “Oberschulte” (a position of regional authority, civil and/or judicial)
or "Amtmann"(a deputy to the foregoing). Their position should not
be confused with the term "Schulte" (or “Schulze", used for the administrator/Prefect
of a village or a group of farms )
This also seems to have been the case with the Hof Weppel, since only
the farm itself was sold to the Marienfeld monastery. There is no
mention of subject farms (mansi) of the Weppel estate in the document
of 1260.
Witnesses to the document: Anselmus decanus, Godefridus canon, Bertoldus
and Arnoldus Knights, Hermann Knight of Velsen and Freckenhorst, Leopoldus
von Grafdorpe, Johannes von Ruenberg, Ludolphus von Walegarden, Bruno von
Freckenhorst, Herman von Thurdenhagen, Otto - Son of Lambert, Rudolp von
Blasnien , and his brother Henricus. A. D. 1260
Wilhelm M Schneider
Marienfelde Monastery Archive
Warendorf District
Nr. 665 – Complete document with seals of the Abbess and the Chapter
of Freckenhors(t) of 1260. Westfälisches Urkundenbuch
Band III . Documents of the Bishopric of Münster from 1201 -
1300 / Münster 1859/71
A bronzean plaque was installed at the Weppelmann - chapel in Ottmarsbocholt
on 9th April 2001, funded by donations from all the participants of the
family-meeting last september.
Heinrich Weppelmann with his wife in front of the
Weppelmann chapel in Ottmarsbocholt. To the left minister C.Döpker
from Ottmarsbocholt with various family members from the village.
The installed plaque serves as a memory of all those family members
who origin from this place and now live somewhere else in Europe or other
continents. |
Family Weppelmann
Mentioned for the first time in Ascheberg and
Ottmarsbocholt in the 15th century.
Between the 16th and 19th century members of our
family emigrated to the Netherlands, Australia, USA
and South Africa.
In the 20th century, further expansion of the family
all over Germany.
This blackboard was donated in memory of our anceistors
by all the people present at the
Family-meeting in 2000.
+ In Memoriam +
Domus Weppel
(Domus a name for an old manor)
A further track to look into our past opened itself. So far do we searched
for House Weppel , which was mentioned in 1881 by Kaplan Schwieters
in his book, within the area of Ascheberg and Ottmarsbocholt. Via the
Internet I now received the tip that supposedly House Weppel is rather
to be searched within the area of Marienfelde/Freckenhorst. Details
are being examined at present. The period in question is approximaetely
between 1150 - 1250. I received the following information from H. Michael
" Chronicles and documents for the history of the Cistercian abbey
Marienfeld 1185- 1803"
Abbott Johannes I.: " He also acquired the farm (-yard) Oisthues and
exchanged House Weppel from the church in Freckenhorst. "
" Marienfelder chronicle "
Terms of office of the abbots from Marienfeld: Abbott Johannes
Purchase of land, among many others: " Johannes I. develops new land
in Westerwieck, Osthus, Weppel (WUB III > 665,822,836).... "
Furthermore does he acquire the yard Oesthuis and exchanges the house
gate Weppele of Freckenhorst.
" Marienfelder chronicle ":
Entry in the " citizen book of the city Warendorf 1542 - 1848
" 104 names have been written down in relation to Marienfeld:
1593: Diderich Roleves, on release of the abbott to S. Marienfelde,
because Johan Ostendorp and Johan van Munster referirt that sponsalia already
beyedet and concludirt, defiency guarantees: Christof Weppelman and Johan
van Munster
Hello Mr. Weppelmann!
After some detours I landed on your homepage. I became attentive of
you for the first time when, on the train from Werne to Muenster, I found
a newspaper which in its local section contained an article of the family
meeting Weppelmann. Since I as well concern myself with family research
and my great-grandmother Francisca Helena Weppelmann originates from Ottmarsbocholt,
I consequently was very interested in getting in contact with you. A first
search in the directory was unfortunately unsuccessful. On the homepage
of the working group family research Ahlen and environment I had seen a
two-paged article about the family Weppelmann in their members newspaper,
but thought then this concerned the family Weppelmann from Oelde,
since these appeared also in the searching areas of the members. Further
searches in this direction were therefore omitted. Now, a search machine
brought me to your page. After studying your pages with great interest,
I naturally became very curious about your book, which hereby I would also
like to order. You find my address at the end of this mail. In the appendix
of this mail you will find an extract from my ancestor list, written as
a word document, which contains my research results concerning the family
Weppelmann. Probably it will not provide you with any new information concerning
your family. All the more do I hope for your assistance in supplementing,
correcting and continuing my ancestor list. Any expenses that should develop
for you in assisting my research would certainly be taken on by me.
Thank you! Yours sincerely
Detlef Holstraeter
With this, the family tree Weppelmann will once again be enriched
by some family members of the family Linnemann and their successor. Thank
you, FJW.
Dear Mr. Weppelmann,
I have visited your homepage with great interest and also tried to
answer you directly via the comment page.. Since I am not sure whether
the text reached you or not, I send this mail separately.
Below you can find a brief outline of my line of descent and where
it connects to the Weppelmann family:
* Walter Alfred Kleine, 12 September 1950, Essen.
Albert Walter Kleine, 13 March 1922, Essen
* Gertrud Berta Klein, 20 December 1921 Essen
* Hubert Klein, 16 Mar 1879 Katernberg, Essen
Maria Langkau, 01 June 1878 Schoenau, Allenstein, East Prussia
Friedrich William Klein, 18 October 1842 Recklinghausen
* Maria Klara Kettermann, named Weppelmann 14 June 1851 Nordkirchen,
* Joan Heinrich Kettermann, named Weppelmann 03 April 1812 Ottmarsbocholt
Elizabeth Luetke Haverkamp, 14 Mar 1817 Nordkirchen
Joannes Gerardus Kettermann 28 May 1773 Ottmarsbocholt
* Anna Maria Catharina Weppelmann 28 November 1769 Ottmarsbocholt
* Joannes Henricus Weppelmann married to Anna Maria Baumeister on 10
May 1757
For the successful presentation of your Home Page as well as for your
remarkable efforts and thereby proven appreciation of your family and your
ancestors I would like to pay you highest tribute.
You thereby set an excellent example, which becomes I will be emulating.
Cordial greetings,
Walter Kleine