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Welcome to the Genealogy
of the Weppelman(n) Family
Before 1996 nobody in my family would have
suspected to have relatives on four continents. This history is one of
many stories in family research, which shows, how small our world is.
That this exciting voyage of discovery into our
own history, I owe to many coworkers
... family
meeting/photos 2000
photos 2012
... News
from the family research...
...press 2000 /
...press 2012
Number of visitor
historic family photos Ottmarsbocholt
...South Africa
Franz Josef Weppelmann
üupdate 02.02.2023 |
The 1.book
Münsterland to the four corners of the world.
The Weppelman(n) Family
1100 - today
Cities and places of the Weppelman(n) in the world
The book tells on 200 pages about the undertaking
spirit of my ancestors as farmers,
craftsmen, day laborers, farmhands and farm servants.
In the most difficult of times some looked for a new homeland in the Netherlands,
America, South Africa and Australia.
New Book 2012
"900 years history of family Weppel-man(n)"
farms, people and documents
the family tree on 588 pages with dates, farms and all documentation, an index and a person's register
status: 2012 continuation
Familytree Weppelman(n)
online update 02.02.2023
Familytree Weppelman(n)
Beginning with the oldest documentation in 1100 up to the now living members
of the Weppelman(n)- family the records are extensive.
Over 4500 persons are entered in this book,
together with details of date of birth, - place, occupation, wedding date,
name of spouse and death date. Due to data protection, there
will only be dates of birth, marriage and death of people who have already
passed away published online.In the second book, which can be ordered, you
can find all details with documents, farms and people.
I wish all readers much enjoyment during the reading.
If these pages pleased you, let it me know, and if perhaps you have
a suggestion, then a message is certainly appreciated.
Franz Josef Weppelmann
Beyharting , Januar 2001
e-mail:frajowep@t-online.de |