Presse - Mitteilungen vom Familientreffen: deutsch/english
Ottmarsboccholt – a proud number: 208 „Weppelmen“ from all over Germany, the Netherlans and even Australia met up this weekend in Ottmarbocholt.
This is because the here resident family Weppelmann invited to a family meeting in the Vollmar hall. This was only pssible because deacon Franz-Josef
Weppelmann, resident in Bavaria, occupied himself for some years now with family research and made the effort to put together the whole family tree.
At the same time did he compose a book concerning the history of the family, whose origins probably date back to the big farm „zur Weppel“ in Oelde.
The family tree, a work of 3 years, is 26 meters long and complete with all names since 1420. Visitors to the party could view the same on Saturday
afternoon in the vollmar hall. Obviously took every member of the family the chance to find their own name on the long list. After a welcoming speech,
coffee and cake were served. This was the best opportunity to meet the many members of the family personally, because by now the „weppelmen“ are
spread all over the planet. Guests came from the Netherlands as well as Australia. Families from the US as well as South Africa intended to come as
well but unfortunately did not manage to follow the invitation to Germany to the regrets of every one else present. The South Africans nevertheless
sent greetings per mail. After the afternoon coffee and a historical talk by Franz-Josef Weppelmann the family went on to take a look at Ottmarsbocholt,
which with Ascheberg and Oelde is the place where the name Weppelmann appeared first in the church books in the 15th century. Then the farm Weppelmann
Broholt and the family owned chapel were visited. The farm today, owned by Heinrich and Ursula Weppelmann, with a size of 4.5 hectar was only a small
sublet of the big „Weppelmann farm“, who back in the 1860s the family guesses to have been of a size of approximately 67 morgan. The family party ended
on the Sunday with a mass in St. Urban church, held by priest Döpker and deacon Franz-Josef Weppelmann. After that the whole party went once again back
to the farm Weppelmann to have some pre-lunch drinks. Heinrich and Ursula showed together with their children to be fantastic hosts and the party came
to a wonderful end.
Familienmitglieder der Weppelmann trafen sich in der Festhalle Vollmer
Der Stammbaum erstreckt sich über 26 m
By Sandra Baumeister Ottmarsbocholt – thousands of words were echoing simultaneously through the big hall, a noisy jumble of voices could be heared
at all corners. This family it seemed, really had a lot to talk about ! But, no wonder, when great cousins and great great aunts possibly meet for the
first time in their lifes. Past Saturday there was a family meeting of a special kind in the Vollmar hall. 208 people, all related in one way or the
other to the famile Weppelman(n) met in Ottmarsbocholt. Not only from all over Germany came the „Weppelmen“, as they called themselves jokingly.
Visitors came as far as the Netherlands, America and even Australia. „back to the roots“ was the moto of the guests who came from far far away.
The expectancies though a young man from the Schmid family (originally Weppelman, though the name was later changed ) had for the party were
fullfilled as the Australian told or paper in an interview. Notably amused he adds that nevertheless did he not expect to be issued with a small
cangoroo on his nametag, which was an idea of the organisation itself. The name Weppelmann is known in the village of Ottmarsbocholt. Looking up
the phonebook alone you can find 6 entriesof the name. But where did the anceistors come from and where does the rest of the family live? These
questions occupied Franz-Josef Weppelmann from Rosenheim/Bavaria. 3 years he concerned himself intensively with genealogy. Using phone, fax and
the internet he collected information and asked relatives to send personal details. But not only modern technology helped in perfecting the research.
Franz-Jsef Weppelmann also received big help from Renate Kaup, who helped tremendously in accessing vital information from the archives of the
bishopric Münster. Finally a chronic and a family tree of 26 meters length were compsed, who decorated the vollmar hall during the party on Saturday.
Finally the family meeting ended with a snug get-together on the farm Weppelmann on Sunday morning.